Situation at checkpoints: The State Border Guard Service recorded 1,130,700 crossings of the line of contact during April.
UNHCR’s partner R2P reported long queues as a main concern.
Changes in east Ukraine: The Joint Force Operation (JFO) officially replaced the “AntiTerrorist Operation” (“ATO”) in eastern Ukraine incorporating new controls on freedom of movement.
Legal Assistance: In April, UNHCR and its partners provided primary legal assistance to more than 1,400 people.
5,500 IDPs and conflict-affected persons received primary legal assistance from UNHCR partners in 2018.
4,000 people to receive planned Individual Protection Assistance (cash) totaling USD 450,000 during 2018 in areas near the line of contact (GCA only).
100 Peaceful Coexistence Projects planned for 2018 in areas near the line of contact and NGCA.
USD 31.1 M requested for Ukraine
Operational Context
Despite a slight decrease in the number of ceasefire violations in the first half of April following a recommitment to the ceasefire on 30 March, the second half of the month saw an upsurge in hostilities. Shelling targeted civilian areas in Novohorodske and Zaitseve in northern Donetsk, and the area east of Mariupol. The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) reports 74 civilian casualties, including 18 fatalities, since the beginning of the year. During April, OHCHR recorded 46 conflict-related civilian casualties, including 13 fatalities, a 142 per cent increase in the number of civilian casualties compared with March. Civilian casualties during April were comparable with the total figures for the first quarter of 2018, which saw the lowest levels of civilian casualties during the entire conflict period. As of 3 May, there are 1,502,019 registered IDPs according to the Ministry of Social Policy (MoSP), an increase of 9,429 since 2 April.
On April 30, the Joint Force Operation (JFO) officially replaced the “Anti-Terrorist Operation” (“ATO”) in eastern Ukraine. The change of format is defined in the law “On Donbas reintegration”. The new operation includes a revised security zone area within which the JFO commander may establish areas with restricted and prohibited access. Entry to such restricted areas may be granted by special permit at the commander’s discretion. Permitted reasons for entering the area include residence or residence of family members in the area; access to places of burial of family members or relatives, or attendance at the funeral of a family member or relative; property rights; “ensuring national interests of Ukraine with the aim of peaceful conflict settlement or on humanitarian issues”; and other reasons. “Areas where security and defense measures are implemented” remain undefined.